
What’s on this month at our churches?

Welcome to the website of the Benefice of Bickleigh and Shaugh Prior, which is made up by the Parishes of S. Mary the Virgin, Bickleigh and S. Edward, King & Martyr, Shaugh Prior. It also includes the Churches of S. Anne, Glenholt and S. Cecilia, Woolwell.  Come and join a thriving, living focus of community life within North-East Plymouth. Here, a warm welcome awaits you if you join us and share in God’s Holy Sacraments and the Good News that he promises to each and every one of us.

Come and join us in worship and in fellowship and see what the love of Christ can do for you. Be fed at his Holy Table and enriched by his Holy Word, and discover the difference that the living faith can make to you. Whether you are nine, twenty-nine or ninety-nine, our varied Churches welcome you and can find a sacred space for you to encounter God.

Our life is lived through the sacramental worship of God; through Holy Communion celebrated during the week and on Sundays, through the daily work of worship in the Daily Office of Morning and Evening Prayer and through encounters with God in alternative and meditative worship.

Whatever your preference, we can offer a worship experience for you. If you’ve not been to church for some time (or indeed, ever) and feel a bit daunted, don’t worry, here is a short guide for new people.

We are an inclusive collection of Churches that embraces the ministry of women, justice and the inclusion of all people in faith, regardless of sexual orientation, social background or lifestyle, seeking to provide a welcome, just as Christ did for all. If we don’t always get this right, we are always happy to listen and act to ensure we do better, we are all a work in progress!

Contact details

eMail: admin @ bspchurches.co.uk

Please contact the relevant churchwardens for the appropriate Church.
Churchwardens Contact

S. Mary the Virgin, Bickleigh	
Chris Carpenter
07511 070152
chriscarpenter4 @ icloud.com

Jo Carpenter
078588 35616
jlhcarpenter @ blueyonder.co.uk

Tom Shipp
07771 764377
tallshipps @ gmail.com

S. Anne, Glenholt
Janet Liddicoat
07532 155695
pandjliddicoat @ talktalk.net

S. Edward, King & Martyr, Shaugh Prior
Paul Vann
07768 807631
Paul.Vann @ walbrookpr.com

Diane LeGrys
07790 836827
diane.legrys @ btinternet.com


If you have a concern about the safety of someone or the actions of someone working with children or vulnerable adults, please speak to Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Rebecca Hattersley on 07531 133128.
The link to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team’s contact details is –  exeter.anglican.org/resources/safeguarding/safeguarding-team/

If you are a young person and you feel unhappy about something happening to you, you can call Childline on 0800 11 11.

GDPR & privacy policy

The Parish Data Privacy and GDPR policy can be read here